Saturday, February 28, 2009

Sorry for the delay...

Thanks to all the great ladies who read my blog! Sorry I've been so sporadic lately. It's turning out that pregnancy #4 has been harder than the others. I've been suffering from severe pelvic muscle pain (which apparently is common in women with multiple births so close) and the only "magic cure" is giving birth. :) Fortunately, that's not so far away for me- 4 weeks or less now!

Thankfully, my mom will be visiting this next week (while my husband flies to Los Angeles for business) to help prepare my house for our new baby girl since I've been somewhat confined to "resting" these days to overcome the pain. So look forward to lots more blogging next week! Thanks so much for all your support for my blog. I really enjoy providing these great deals for other moms like me-- just looking for the best deal!

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